Monday, 27 June 2011

Maple + Butter = carrot cake

Maple and carrots? Yes, please! 

We tried a new twist on carrot cake with a recipe from the LCBO that added maple syrup to the cake batter and icing. To save time, we decided to use a grinding attachment on Ms. Butter's mixer, which not only added about 25 minutes, it didn't work at all! So we went the old fashion way: using the food processor's grater attachment. Mr. Crumbs thought that 4 cups of grated carrots equalled 2 bags of carrots, but only about half a bag was needed - we'll be eating carrot sticks and dip for a couple of days. Other than the whole grating fiasco, the whole cake was easy peasey, lemon squeezy; ok, more like simple dimple, maple... ok, we can't rhyme. 
Maple Carrot Cake

Fortunately, a friend was having us over to celebrate the pre-birth of their baby and we brought the cake over for our very pregnant friend. The cake was delicious and a hit with everyone; Mr. Crumbs had three pieces. Ms. Butters was a bit apprehensive of leaving the remainder of the cake at the friend's house (cake = great breakfast!) but our preggo friend got to eat every crumb for breakfast, brunch, and lunch the next day. 

On a more magical note, we think that it helped our baby-filled friend go into labour, as 24 hours later, little baby Ripper (not real name) was born. 

Hats off to LCBO for making carrot cake exciting again. For the recipe, click here.

Note that the cake should be made 24 hrs before icing. As we are the impatient type, we simply put the cake in the freezer for 30 minutes and then iced it.

Monday, 13 June 2011

Welcome to Crumbs In My Butter

What's better than butter? In this blog, we hope to capture each ingredient, each burning hot pan, and every laugh that we share while we cook, bake, grill, broil, roast, and more importantly EAT each dish that we create.

Our (Mr. Crumbs and Ms. Butter) plan is to cook recipes, take pictures, and write about success and our failures. We're going to be brutally honest and let you know what worked and what didn't. Along with our dishes that we make, we hope to write about what wines, spirits, or mixed drinks we think go best; along with pictures of us enjoying them! One drink, two drinks, three drinks... drop!

Check us out for much, much more to come!

Ms. Butter and Mr. Crumbs